Sunday, October 23, 2011


The biggest diffrence between high school and college has most definetly got to be the workload. Ive had more work in college already than ive had my entire senior year of high school. Now ill admit that my high school wasnt the best in academics and didnt do a good job preparing me for next level education. Part of not being prepared is on me because I wasnt the student that did all of his work and turned everything in on time. I was the one that procrastinated and put things off until the end. In a way I screwed myself. Im not mad at my teachers because its not their fault for my mistakes but they didnt really try to help me out at all. If they did I would have accepted the help and appreciated it but things didnt work out that way for me. I pretty much had to do everything on my own in school. It wasnt a big problem but it could have turned out better for me. Im glad that im attending this university because I feel welcome here and the environment and people are just right for me. This semester Ive already done about five papers and it is a killer. Its not so much the paper itself but all the research and extra stuff we have to do. Its not really that hard to type a simple paper but some students make it out to be. Some students seem to make verything harder. Whenever I see them and they are complaining it kind of makes me angry because they should be glad to be in college. It is a great opportunity for them to make something of themselves. It is kind of hard to keep up with all of the work but it is a must for the students to turn in every single peice of assigned work that the professor assigns. One missed assignment can cost them a semester and caus them to retake the samw clas that next semester. I would say that I have the most work in either my geography class or my composition class. I do the most reading in geography and the most writing in composition. If I were to choose a single class to take this semester it would probably be weight training. Even though there is no reading or writing, I do enjoy lifting weights so I could do that everyday. I really do like my professors and they can work with me at anytime that Im having trouble. I really appreciate everything I have right now.

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